
Win7 directx 12
Win7 directx 12

If 8.1 ever becomes unviable for me I'll likely migrating to a non Microsoft OS like some form of Linux in the future. Data privacy and Microsoft's terrible Windows Update policy regarding that OS are just a couple of factors. In other words, if you need to get hold of them for Windows 8.1, Windows 7 o Windows Vista (lets hope youve already got rid of XP), you can download DirectX 9. There's a lot of issues I have with that OS. Eventually though I may attempt updating my current 7 install to that. I'm really only still on 7 currently because I have tons of apps I installed over the years that I'm just too lazy to reinstall + there's a few things that will probably not work in 8 that I may still want to use. You can install some third party tools to make the GUI (like the start menu) look more like 7's. (Windows update on 8.1 is more like 7's). (Age of Empires Definitive Edition is one example of a game that will run in Windows 8.1 but not Windows 7).Ĩ.1 is closer to Win10 but without the terrible Windows Update BS that Win10 has.

win7 directx 12 win7 directx 12

I suggest you at least upgrade to 8.1 even if it turns out if your game(s) still wont' work. Dont' recall if DX12 ever got support in Windows 8.1.

Win7 directx 12